Online Store, E-Commerce Shipping Solutions, Social Media Content
Caleb Valdez Is a complete baddass. A colorado native, he fight fires for the national forest service – he’s practically a real life Smoky The Bear. He’s a man’s man, and enjoys living off the land. A few years ago, he started following his passion for ranching, raising and producing his own cattle herd with the goal of providing locally sourced meat to his community.
It took off in his area, and he approached our team about wanting to develop an online store and ship nationwide.
We spent about 4 hours on the phone with Caleb, trying to drill down exactly what he needed.We developed a FedEx partnership and produced a custom plugin for his site that would calculate shipping for the meat filled coolers to the U.S., and built out a return system for customers to send back their coolers to be filled with meat again, monthly or quarterly.
Perfect timing too, because during the pandemic customers loved this approach to getting high quality, grass fed beef.
weeks to complete the project
pounds of meat shipped nationwide
We design and build beautiful websites, apps and branding